About Us
Hello, my name is Henry Igras. My wife Carlene and I were born and raised in the Buffalo, NY area and were married in November of 1977. Ironically, it was the month of November, 1980, when we came to know Jesus Christ as our personal Savior and Lord. Carlene experienced her conversion to Christ first through the influence of Christians at work. My conversion came later that month through the impact of two books written by Hal Lindsay: “The Late Great Planet Earth” and “There’s A New World Coming.”
After becoming members of and serving in a local Bible believing church for four years, I felt the call of God upon my life for fulltime ministry. I applied and was accepted at Grace Seminary in Winona Lake, Indiana, where I received my training for ministry. After graduating Summa Cum Laude with a Master of Divinity degree, I served as a Senior Pastor in three different churches over a period of twenty years. As my health took a turn for the worse, I decided to step away from fulltime ministry in 2009.
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